Charity is the best form of prayer. Do whatever you can to help the not-so-fortunate. This is
the life mantra of Amitabh Shah, founder of Yuva Unstoppable. Amitabh believes in
contributing goodness and light and helping people under the Yuva Unstoppable platform.
Through this organization, Amitabh Shah and his team are changing the lives of unprivileged
children with unwavering focus and drive.
Yuva Unstoppable is collaborating with Indian Express and Financial Express to inspire
students to learn directly from leading specialists and leaders. These inspiring interactions
are aimed to be heart-warming opportunities reaching millions of students through the
platform of social media. The goal is to break barriers and provide a platform for students to
learn and get inspired from the best in their walks of life.
One such heart-warming interaction was conducted on February 2, 2023 in New Delhi
between Sister BK Shivani and students. Sister Shivani is a teacher in the Brahma Kumaris
spiritual movement of India. The aim of the talk was to provide students with a spiritual
outlook which will aid them lead healthier and happier lives. The atmosphere was buzzing
with positivity and vibrancy and the audience comprised a mix of children and corporate
leaders from various companies.
Sister Shivani Didi shared her wisdom and experiences on how spirituality can enhance
one’s leadership qualities. It enables one to become more aware and compassionate
individuals who excel not only in their fields but have an overall positive impact on society.
Participants were both inspired and left feeling empowered to do better for themselves and
towards society.
Amitabh Shah – Founder, Yuva Unstoppable feels that initiatives such as these taken up by
Yuva Unstoppable and Financial Express will equip our future leaders – students to succeed
in their life journey and be UNSTOPPABLE!
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