Yuva Unstoppable along with their partner Disney Star organised a special event for students from Raje Shivaji Vidyalay in Dharavi, Mumbai. Cricketing legends Harbhajan Singh and Mithali Raj visited the school on November 9, 2022 and spent a fun filled morning with the school children. The legends spent time playing cricket with the children and shared life experiences and their insights on the game. The cricket game was followed by a heart-to-heart chat wherein the children got a first hand chance to interact with the legends of the game.
Former Team India spinner Harbhajan Singh said, “I would like to thank Disney Star, along with Yuva Unstoppable, who gave me the opportunity, to come here and spend quality time to play cricket with these children. Whenever we meet with kids, the happiness and smiles we see on their faces, is the real victory in life. Today, their day was made along with mine.”
Former India Women’s captain Mithali Raj said, “Today was a surreal experience and it was amazing to interact with some talented students at Dharavi. I had a lot of fun playing and even shared a few cricket tips with them. Our country has plenty of talent, both girls and boys, and such kind of events will only inspire them to excel and work hard in everything that they want to do. Today was a special day which I will remember for a long time!”
Disney Star has been involved with Yuva Unstoppable for over two years for their School Transformation Program. As a part of this partnership, Disney Star has transformed 40 schools across the country with improved sanitation facilities, access to technology in classrooms and uplifting the overall school environment.
Founder of Yuva Unstoppable Mr Amitabh Shah said, “We would like to extend our gratitude to Disney Star in partnering with us on our journey to provide opportunities for quality education for our children. At Yuva Unstoppable it is our mission to ensure that every child gets a chance to realise and fulfil their true potential and the basics start with a healthy and inspiring school environment”.
Yuva Unstoppable’s School Transformation Program focuses on improving state-run schools by renovating the school campus to encourage students to continue their studies. Some of the key aspects of the program include – sanitation (separate toilets for boys and girls), improvement of water availability (separate drinking and dishwashing facilities), brightening of the school building, educational paintings, smart classrooms, rainwater harvesting, provision of tablets for digital learning and equipping science laboratories.
So far, Yuva Unstoppable has already transformed 3000 schools reaching over 6 million beneficiaries spread across 14 states of India via better toilets, improved drinking water, scholarships, smart classrooms, value-based trainings, behaviour change sessions etc. The ultimate aim is to overall enhance and improve the ambience of the school and make schools a better learning space.