Stronger Together with Amitabh Shah and Amish Tripathi
This is an extract from Episode II of the 3-part digital dialogue series with Yuva Unstoppable founder Amitabh Shah that was launched on 13th June 2020
The world is going through a rough patch. Pandemics, natural disasters, crimes, racial discrimination, economic recession, and rising mental health crisis have made it difficult to cope with the rapidly changing dynamics. But the need is to come together, emerge stronger for a better future. And our vision at Yuva Unstoppable strongly resonates with this spirit of India which is to lift each other up in times of adversities. So we thought of bringing together our supporters and patrons over some empowering digital dialogues specifically curated to inspire good and giving. I was privileged to be joined by Amish Tripathi in this initiative who is leading the discussions in the 3-part ‘Stronger Together’ series.
Key Highlights of the Session
In addition to Amish Tripathi, some of the other key participants at the session were Sunish Sharma from Kedaara Capital, his wife and renowned author Natasha Sharma, Meenakshi Batra, CEO, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India, and world wrestling champion Sangram Singh. The overall discussion focused on the importance of education, awareness and staying positive and fit during these unprecedented times!
Siddhant Sharma a young school student shared about his innovative initiative called the GET-SET-READ in association with Yuva Unstoppable. Herein he has created online learning content in Hindi that is currently being distributed among thousands of underprivileged children in Yuva unstoppable supported schools across India.
He shared how this program focuses on making books for primary school students in Govt schools easily accessible, these books are now being converted into videos and being made to reach schools across India with Yuva unstoppable.
World wrestling champion Sangram Singh who is also a great motivational speaker has been an ambassador of Yuva Unstoppable’s cause since quite some time now. During the Dialogue, he shared about his struggles growing up — coming from a humble background in Rohtak, how he overcame all the obstacles and health challenges, not letting anything stop him. “Things that challenge you, change you! If people are not laughing at you this means your dream is too small. Challenge the impossible and be persistent.”
Natasha Sharma, author of many children’s books and wife of Sunish Sharma shared her views about curbing the attitude of wastefulness among children, paving the way for a sustainable future. She emphasized on the 3 A’s of Awareness, Attitude, and Action — “raising awareness among children will help change their attitude and this will lead to action”. Suneesh Sharma went on to add about his humble background and emphasized the importance of education — “never compromise on education- and this is what makes me believe in Yuva’s vision, which resonates with my beliefs”.
Meenakshi Batra, CEO of Charities Aids Foundation (CAF) India appealed to take education beyond school boundaries to keep the students engaged and motivated during testing times of COVID-19. “l am thankful to all the leaders for adding immense value to ‘Stronger Together’ by sharing their inspiring thoughts and views”, said Amitabh Shah.